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华南理工大学外国语学院成立于2002年1月,其前身为创建于1952年的外语教研室及成立于1985年的外语系。1988年开始招收本科生,1995年面向全校开设英语专业辅修班,1999年开设“3 2”双专业、双学位班。1991年经国务院学位委员会批准设立“专门用途英语专业”(后改名为“外国语言学及应用语言学”)硕士点,并于1993年开始招收硕士研究生;2003年设立“英语语言文学”硕士点;2006年经国务院学位委员会批准设立“外国语言文学”一级学科硕士点,成为广东省继中大和广外的第三个一级学科硕士学位授权点,也是全国理工科大学中较早设立二级及一级学科硕士点的学校;2010年增设翻译专业学位硕士点,2011年开始招收英语笔译方向翻译专业硕士生,2014年开始招收日语笔译方向翻译专业硕士生。



the history of school of foreign languages (sfl) can be dated back to 1985 as the department of foreign languages, and since 2002 under the present name, sfl continues to build on its heritage of academic excellence. sfl has been enrolling english-major undergraduates since 1988, and japanese-major undergraduates since 2003. it began to offer university-wide english-minor courses in 1995, and set up dual major and dual degree classes in 1999. sfl currently provides two m.a programs: one in foreign linguistics and applied linguistics which was set up in 1993 with the approval of the academic degrees committee of the state council, and the other in english language and literature.

in order to rationalize the structure of disciplines, optimize the educational resources for the further development of scut, school of foreign languages was established with the approval of scut committee of cpc on january 1st, 2002.

sfl is responsible for the english major, programmes for ma and public english teaching in the whole university, and it consists of foreign language department 1(english major and academic master degree)and department 2 (japanese, german, and russian ), college english teaching department 1 and 2, non-english major postgraduate foreign language teaching department, foreign language training center, research institute of foreign languages & culture, and scut test site of the national college spoken english test. sfl currently has a faculty of 119, including 108 teachers, 10 teaching assistants. among the teachers, 7 of them are professors, 34 are associate professors, 13 of them with doctorate degree. with the cooperative and strenuous efforts of the staff, sfl has developed its unique characteristics in training talented students of science with a good command of english and english majors with inter-disciplinary knowledge. and thus it has played an important role in developing the overall quality of the undergraduate and postgraduate students, and cultivating specialists with a high level of proficiency of english.


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华南理工大学外国语学院 2020-8-4




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