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外文出版社china through books-qy966千亿

外文出版社china through books

外文出版社china through books

china through books

established in 1952, foreign languages press (flp) is a professional international publishing house. over the past half century, flp has published, in 43 languages, over 30,000 book titles, including the works of party and state leaders, important records and documents, and books providing social, political, economic and cultural insight on china, totaling over 400 million printed copies distributed throughout more than 160 countries and regions in the world. as well, flp has taken full advantage of its hallmark reputation to publish series of distinguished foreign-language teaching books.

flp has many renowned chinese and foreign experts and top specialist translators, developing a talented team of editors, translators and marketing staff proficient in the international publishing business. flp has published over 600 titles a year on average in english, french, spanish, german, japanese, russia, arabic and portuguese, targeting major readership on five continents of the world.

flp enjoys a fine international reputation for its growing collection of classic masterpieces of high quality built up over half a century. in 2008, we received the title of “outstanding publishing unit” from the chinese government—the highest honor in china’s media and publishing industry.

外文出版社china through books

外文出版社china through books

外文出版社china through books是中国外文局的重要成员单位,成立于1952年,是我国主要的对外出版机构。60年来,外文出版社用43种文字翻译出版了3万余种图书,包括领导人著作、党和政府重要文献、中国国情读物、中国文化典籍和中国文学经典等,受众覆盖世界近200个国家和地区。外文出版社是一家国际性的综合出版社,从事各类外文版图书的编译出版,读者对象主要为外国读者;同时还出版外语读物、工具书和部分中文图书以满足国内图书市场的需求。


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外文出版社china through books 2020-6-2
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