5月22日,“杂交水稻之父”、中国工程院院士、“共和国勋章”获得者袁隆平在湖南长沙逝世,享年91岁。随后,一篇署名为袁隆平、题为《妈妈,稻子熟了 》(或《稻子熟了,妈妈,我想你了》)的文章在网络刷屏,文中母子之间真挚的感情感动了无数人。
a heartwarming letter written by yuan longping, the agronomist known as “the father of hybrid rice”, has caught people’s eyes as the nation is mourning over his passing away. in 2010, at the age 80, yuan wrote this letter in memory of his late mother, hua jing, and many are deeply touched by its sincerity.
in the letter, entitled "the rice is ripe, mom", yuan recalled the old days with his mother in anjiang town in central china's hunan province, where he devoted himself to the study of hybrid rice. his mother was buried there in 1989.
“mom, the rice is ripe. can you smell it? it seems as if your laughter is still echoing in anjiang. i can still see my little boy holding up your hands to help you walk through the rice field,” he wrote.
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