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入息基金 income fund

子基金  baby funds/underlying funds

互惠基金 mutual fund

公积金计划 pension plan

分散投资 diversification

主要经纪  prime broker

市场中立  market neutral

平均成本效益 dollor-cost averaging

再投资 reinvestment

合并套戥  merger arbitrage

地区基金 regional fund

如计划为伞子基金  umbrella fund

有限责任  limited liability

自愿性供款 voluntary contributions

行业/主题基金 sector/theme fund

均衡基金 balanced funds

投资年期 time horizon

投资组合 portfolio

投资顾问 investment adviser

杠杆 leverage/gearing

杠杆借贷比率  leverage ratio

每日估值 daily valuation

每年回报 annual return

定息基金 fixed-income fund

承受风险能力 risk tolerance

沽空  short selling

波幅 volatility

股份 share

股息分派 dividened distributions

股票基金 equity fund

阿尔法系数  alpha

非认可基金 unauthorised fund

信托人 trustee

保本对冲基金  capital guaranteed hedge funds

封闭式基金 closed-end fund

界定利益计划 defined benefit plan

界定供款计划 defined contribution plan

相关系数  correlation

重大事件主导的投资  event driven/special situations

首次认购费 front-end fee

套戥  arbitrage

效率前缘  efficient frontier

高收益  high yield

基金公会 hkifa

基准  benchmarks

被动式管理 passive management

离岸基金 offshore fund

期货管理型基金  managed futures

短仓 /淡仓  short position

跌势差  downside deviation

新高价  high-on-high basis

新兴市场  emerging markets

新兴市场基金 emerging markets fund

管理费 managemant fee

增长和收入基金 growth and income fund

严格评估  due diligence

买入价 bid price

买卖差价 bid-offer spread

传统基金  traditional fund

单一对冲基金  single strategy hedge fund

单位信托基金 unit trust

卖出价 offer price

奖励费  incentive fees

对冲 hedge

对冲基金  hedge fund

对冲基金的基金  fund of hedge funds (fohfs)

对冲基金指引  hedge funds guidelines

开放式基金 open-end fund

认可基金 authorised funds

认沽期权  put option/put

认股权证基金 warrant fund

认购期权  call option/call

资产净值 netasset value-nav

赎回 redemption

赎回通知期  redemption notice period

进取型的投资管理  aggressive growth

进取型增长基金 aggressive growth fund

长 / 短仓持股  long/short equity

长仓 / 好仓 / 持货  long position

预设回报 率  hurdle rate

component index成份指数 

core / non-core assets 核心/非核心资产

corporate bond 企业债 券

debt-for-equity swap 债权转股权

deceptive accounting 虚假帐务

earning report 业绩报表

financial reorganization 金融重组

financial statement 财务报表英 

fund custodian bank 基金托管银行

fund manager 基金经理/管理公司

high-tech sector高科技板块

income statement 损益表 

industrial stock工业股票 英 

record high (股票指数)创历史新高

share, equity, stock 股票、股权

bond, debenture, debts 债 券

closed-end securities investment fund 封闭式证 券投资基金

open-end securities investment fund 开放式证 券投资基金

fund manager 基金经理/管理公司

fund custodian bank 基金托管银行英 

market capitalization 市值

p/e (price/earning) ratio 市盈率

commodity/financial derivatives 商品/金融衍生产品

put / call option 看跌/看涨期权

rights issue/offering 配股

bonus share 红股英 

dividend 红利/股息

adr(american depository receipt)美国存托凭证/存股证

gdr(global depository receipt) 全球存托凭证/存股证 

retail / private investor 个人投资者/散户

institutional investor 机构投资者

broker/dealer 券商

prospectus 招股说明书英 

the big board 大盘

the ups and downs of the stock market股市行情 


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基金英语翻译 2022-10-18




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