




1. 热干面:hot dry noodles

2. 汤包:steamed dumplingsfilled with minced meat and gravy (shangbao)

3. 面窝:deep fried rice doughnuts

3. 三鲜豆皮:cooking yuba

4. 米酒:fermented rice beverage withsmall glutinous rice balls

5. 米粉:rice vermicelli

6. 鸭脖:duck neck

1.凉拌黄瓜 :cucumber in sauce

2.皮蛋豆腐 :tofu with preservedeggs

3.东坡方肉 :braised dongpo pork

4.梅菜扣肉 :braised pork with preserved vegetable

5.红烧狮子头 :stewedpork ball in brown sauce

6.香干回锅肉:sautéed sliced pork and dried tofu with pepper and chili

7.毛氏红烧肉 :braisedpork,mao's family style

8.糖醋排骨 :sweet and sour spare ribs

9.椒盐肉排 :spare ribs with spicy salt

10.脆皮乳猪 :crispy bbq sucklingpig

11.鱼香肉丝 :yu-shiang shreddedpork (sautéed with spicy garlic sauce)

12.木须肉 :sautéed slicedpork, eggs and black fungus

13.糖醋里脊 :fried sweet and sour tenderloin (lean meat)

14.火爆腰花 :sautéed pig'skidney

15.蚂蚁上树 :sautéed vermicelliwith spicy minced pork

16.番茄炖牛腩 :braised beef brisket with tomato

17.黑椒牛柳 :sautéed beef filetwith black pepper

18.牛肉炖土豆 :braised beef with potatoes

19.铁板牛肉 :sizzling beef steak

20.板栗焖仔鸡 :braised chicken with chestnuts

21.干锅鸡 :griddle cooked chicken with pepper

22.宫保鸡丁 :kung pao chicken

23.夫妻肺片 :pork lungs in chilisauce

24.飘香手撕鸡 :poached sliced chicken

25.巴蜀小炒鸡 :sautéed chicken with hot and green pepper

26.板栗焖仔鸡 :braised chicken with chestnuts

27.口水鸡 :steamed chickenwith chili sauce

28.叫化鸡 :beggars chicken (bakedchicken)

29.北京烤鸭 :beijing roast duck

30.韭菜炒鸡蛋 :scrambled egg with leek

31.西红柿炒蛋 :scrambled egg with tomato

32.松鼠桂鱼 :sweet and sour mandarin fish

33.香辣蟹 :sautéed crab in hot spicy sauce

34.香辣虾 :fried shrimps in hot spicy sauce

35.清炒虾仁 :sautéed shelled shrimp

36.涮羊肉 :mongolian hot pot

37.馋嘴蛙 :sautéed bullfrog in chili sauce

38.干锅茶树菇 :griddle cooked tea tree mushrooms

39.水煮鱼片 :fish filets in hot chili oil

40.清蒸武昌鱼 :steamed wuchang fish

41.红烧带鱼 :braised ribbonfish in brown sauce

42.草鱼(干烧,清蒸,水煮,酸菜) :grass carp(dry-braised with chili sauce/ steamed/poached/ boiled with pickled cabbage and chili)

43.麻婆豆腐 :mapo tofu (stir-friedtofu in hot sauce)

44.干煸四季豆 :dry-fried french beans with minced pork and preserved vegetables

45.松仁玉米 :sautéed sweet corn with pine nuts

46.番茄蛋花汤 :tomato and egg soup

47.芸豆肚片汤 :pork tripe slices and french beans soup

48.皮蛋瘦肉粥 :minced pork congee with preserved egg

49.香酥韭菜盒 :crispy shrimp dumplings with leek

50.清炒红菜苔 :sautéed chinese kale


泡椒凤爪 :chicken feet withpickled peppers

咸鸭蛋 :salted duck egg

卤蛋 :marinated egg

腊八粥 :porridgewith nuts and dried fruits (eaten on the eighth day of the twelfth lunarmonth)

小米粥 :milletcongee

绿豆粥 :congeewith mung beans

蛋挞 :egg tart

荷包蛋 :poached egg

鲜虾小馄饨 :shrimpwonton

汤圆 :tangyuan(glutinous rice balls)

油条 :youtiao(deep-fried dough sticks)

豆浆 :soybean milk

豆腐脑儿 :jellied tofu

冰糖葫芦 :bingtanghulu /crispysugar-coated fruit (haws, yam, etc.) on a stick

鸡蛋炒饭 :fried rice with egg

炒面 :sautéed noodleswith vegetables

拉面 :hand-pulled noodles

炸酱面 :noodles with soybean paste and minced pork

担担面 :noodles, sichuanstyle

凉面 :cold noodles withsesame sauce

阳春面 :plain noodles

馄饨汤面 :wonton soup noodles

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深圳英语翻译:中华美食名称(武汉热干面加油) 2020-2-3




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