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aboutcustomer case

    1. industry field: member of guangxi associations
      cooperation time: 7 years
      cooperation scope: translation, interpretation, listening translation

    1. industry field: communication, electronics
      cooperation time: 15 years
      cooperation scope: management, research and development, product specifi

    1. industry field: motor vehicles, electronics
      cooperation time: 4 years
      cooperation scope: specification, press conference
      translation language:&

    1. industry field: computers, fmcg electronics
      cooperation time: 12 years
      cooperation scope: product specification, electronic product

    1. industry field: computers, electronics
      cooperation time: 9 years
      cooperation scope: product specification, electronic product, press conferenc

    1. industry field: press
      cooperation time: 8 years
      cooperation scope: book translation
      translation language: chinese, english, german, japanes

    1. industry field: film and media, website, new media
      cooperation time: 8 years
      cooperation scope: asian language translation

    1. industry field: university
      cooperation time: 5 years
      cooperation scope: translation, interpretation
      translation language: chinese, japanese, en

    1. industry field: motor vehicles, electronics
      cooperation time: 3 years
      cooperation scope: specification, product promotion
      translation language:

    1. industry field: mobile phones, electronics
      cooperation time: 5 years
      cooperation scope: specification, manual
      translation language: chinese,

    1. industry field: electrical, electronics, automation
      cooperation time: 4 years
      cooperation scope: specification, manual
      translation language: ch

    1. industry field: e-commerce
      cooperation time: 1 year
      cooperation scope: merchant, product, contract, etc.
      translation language: chinese, eng

  • professional translators look for blue, we grow with you

    we regard word of mouth as life, customer satisfaction rate is 99%
