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东坡肉braised dongpo pork

麻婆豆腐 mapo tofu (加注:stir-fried tofu in hot sauce)。

阿五豆腐ahwu tofu

日本豆腐 japanese tofu   

开封包子kaifeng stuffed bun

逍遥镇胡辣汤xiaoyaozhen peppery porridge

延津火烧yanjin cake


南京板鸭steamed nanjing duck cutlets,nanjing preserved salted duck

北京烤鸭beijing roast duck      

全聚德烤鸭quanjude roast duck

厦门炒米粉 xiamen fried vermicelli   

毛氏红烧肉 mao's braised pork in brown sauce

北京炸酱面 noodles with soy bean paste,beijing style

北京炒肝 stewed liver,beijing style

潮州卤水鸭 braised goose,chaozhou style

扬州炒饭 yangzhou stir-fried rice/ fried rice,yangzhou style

湖南牛肉 beef,hunan style     

无锡排骨 fried spare ribs,wuxi style

炒肉片 fried pork sliced  

炒鸡丁stir-fried chicken dices  

炒腊肉 stir-fried smoked pork

雪里蕻炒黄豆fried potherb mustard with soybean

臭豆腐dofu (pleasantly pungent)

炒鸡蛋scrambled eggs

番茄炒蛋,不译成fried eggs with tomato,而是scrambled eggs with tomato。

韭菜炒鸡蛋scrambled egg with leek

葱花炒鸡蛋scrambled egg with scallion

辣椒炒鸡蛋scrambled egg with chili pepper

滑蛋虾仁饭 rice with fried shrimps and scrambled egg

炒土豆sautéed potatoes       

炒河粉 sautéed rice noodles  

清炒丝瓜 sautéed sponge gourd

干煸四季豆dry-sautéed string beans

干煸鳝鱼dry-sautéed eel slices

京酱肉丝sautéed shredded pork in sweet bean sauce

浆面条luoyang soup dish 

郑州烩面,可音译为zhengzhou huimian,也可意译为zhengzhou noodles stewed with meat and vegetables

萧记三鲜烩面noodles cooked with triple delight, xiao family style

汤面 soup noodles          

凉面 cold noodles

卤面 noodles with gravy     

炒面 fried noodles

肉丝炒面 fried noodles with shredded pork

麻辣面 spicy hot noodles     

炸酱面 noodles with soybeans and minced meat

麻酱面 sesame paste noodles  

dao削面 shanxi sliced noodles 

拉面 shanxi hand-pulled noodles

担担面 sichuan noodles with peppery sauce

重庆小面 chongqing small noodles

蔬菜面noodles with vegetables

油泼面hot oil noodles

葱油拌面 noodles in scallion, oil and soy sauce

榨菜肉丝面 pork , pickled mustard green noodles

茄子肉丁打卤面 eggplant noodles with diced pork

胡辣汤peppery porridge

逍遥镇胡辣汤xiaoyaozhen peppery porridge

酸辣汤hot and sour soup 

酸辣肚丝汤hot and sour pork tripe soup

鸡汤chicken soup

骨汤bone soup

鱼汤fish broth/ soup

鱼丸汤 fish ball soup       

鱼片汤 sliced fish soup  

面汤noodle soup/ flour soup  

家常蛋汤 egg soup, home style

羊肉汤mutton consommé

牛肉汤beef consommé

三狠汤three-strong-flavor soup(狠就是浓的意思,英译时可加解释:it is very sour, very hot, and very salty.)

杂锦云吞汤combination won ton soup

法国杂菜汤french style vegetable soup   

法国海鲜汤french style seafood soup

鱼头豆腐汤fish head and tofu soup

肉丝蛋花汤 minced meat and egg soup  

紫菜蛋花汤seaweed and egg soup

肉片菜心汤 sliced pork and cabbage soup

番茄牛肉汤 tomato and beef soup  

冬瓜海带汤white gourd kelp soup

酸菜鱿鱼汤 pickled vegetable with squid soup

芥菜肉片咸蛋汤mustard green salted egg soup

米酒汤圆sesame dumplings in rice wine soup

白菜豆腐汤chinese cabbage and tofu soup 

银耳红枣莲子汤tremella jujube lotus seed soup

红枣红梨汤jujube and pear soup




