qy966千亿-千亿pt >





it was more than the beer last night that made me wanna stay.

it was more than your gentle breathe i can’t give it away.

so long i will hold your hand and walk you down into the rain.

then i was confused by the freedom in my vein.

some day we will celebrate goodbyes in memories.

a kiss from the willow twig, the green turns into gray.

how can i forget the town in which we used to meet?

you are the one i won’t reset.

so come and have a walk with me on streets of chengdu.

we'll walk on till the lights are out and walk it through.

i will hold you close, every step we’ll make it slow.

and then we will take a break in a little pub down by that road.

some day we will celebrate goodbyes in memories.

a kiss from the willow twig, the green turns into gray.

how can i forget the town in which we used to meet?

you are the one i won’t reset.

so come and have a walk with me on streets of chengdu.

we'll walk on till the lights are out and walk it through.

i will hold you close, every step we’ll make it slow.

and then we will take a break in a little pub down by that road.

歌曲《成都》英文翻译,来源综合网络,qy966千亿的版权归原作者所有,如侵请联删 18148568706

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