each online store will hand out 20 free orders. 每个线上店铺都会分发20份免单名额。
2024年5月6日上午,大量淘宝用户突然被大规模免单,由于淘宝官方此前未发布任何活动玩法或游 戏规则,该事件迅速引发了网民们的热议。
on the morning of may 6th, a vast number of taobao users unexpectedly received their orders for free.
as taobao had not announced any promotional activities or rules prior to this event, it quickly became a hot topic among netizens.
免费赠送的;免费的 comp =complimentary / free
店家免费提供,店家给免单“on the house”
淘宝免单 it's on the taobao.
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