



7.hogarth worldwide 英国


hogarth is a marketing implementation agency.we produce advertising and other marketing communications for our clients across all media and all languages. our production expertise coupled with our powerful workflow and asset management technology delivers quality, control and savings for global brands.we believe that the production, adaptation and supply of advertising materials is a specialist activity that should be carried out by a company that focuses solely on this discipline. we work alongside creative and media agencies to deliver advertising into market efficiently and cost effectively – with quality enhanced and with all language and cultural challenges managed by experts.



地址:wc2h 8hl london london, 164 shaftesbury avenue

电话: 传真: 邮箱:



8.semantix 瑞典

semantix helps people to understand each other. we offer solutions within translation, writing services, language training and interpreting



地址:box 10059, stockholm, se-100 55, sweden

电话: 46 (0)8-506 225 50 传真: 邮箱:info@semantix.se




9.ubiqus    法国

ubiqus, headquartered in paris, france, is a global leader in language, transcription, and event services. with market-leading divisions in the fields of translation, interpretation, transcription of audio and video, audience polling, audio recording, and event badges, ubiqus has served more than 21,000 clients worldwide. at an average annual growth rate of 26.5% over the last 21 years and with the integration of more than 15 companies across north america and europe, ubiqus extends service coverage and flexibility to its clients globally.


地址: la défense, immeuble scor 1 avenue du général de gaulle, 92074 paris, 法国

电话: 传真: 邮箱:




10.keywords studios 爱尔兰

keywords是一家国际化电子游戏技术服务提供商,分公司分布于都柏林、伦敦、巴塞罗那、米兰、罗马、东京、新加坡、上海、新德里、浦那、蒙特利尔、西雅图、洛杉矶和里约热内卢。我们在全球拥有超过1500名对游戏充满热忱的员工,并为电子游戏开发商和发行商提供翻译、测试、音频、客服和美术制作等服务。我们的品牌包括keywords、 babel media、 binari sonori、 lakshya digital、 alchemic dream、reverb 和 liquid violet。我们凭着对于整个电子游戏市场包括任何平台、类型和销售渠道的认知,以及在跨越全球从游戏概念到实际制作的支援经验,让我们得以让顾客与他们的核心消费者发展并保持紧密联系,无论任何语言。 



地址: whelan house, south county business park, dublin 18, ireland

电话: 353 190 22 730 传真: 353 190 22 774 邮箱:




11.logos group 意大利

logos delivers translation solutions with more than 35 years of knowledge and experience waiting to serve you. we build winning strategies combining services, process mapping and technologies, designed around your unique business needs.we seek continuous improvement to meet and exceed expectations. we agree clear targets that will be measured during service delivery. it is the partnership we develop together that is key to establishing long-term shared perspective and success.



地址: via curtatona 5/2, 41126 modena, italy

电话: 39 059 412412 传真: 39 059 412567 邮箱:market@logos.net




12.capita translation and interpreting 英国 


providing translation and interpreting for commercial and public sector businesses, allowing you to confidently communicate with all of your customers and stakeholders worldwide, no matter what language they speak. we are experts in translation for manufacturing & engineering firms; law firms; digital content and website localisation; legal & financial translation; e-learning translation and software localisation. part of capita plc, the uk’s leading provider of business process management and integrated professional support service solutions. translation, interpreting, language services, multilingual seo, localisation, website localisation, machine translation, transcreation, transcription, subtitling, voice over



地址: ol3 5fz greater manchester oldham, huddersfield road delph, 英国 

电话: 传真: 邮箱:suppliers@capita-ti.com


hpe acg    法国

惠普 acg 为质量、成本和上市速度三者之间的最佳平衡提供了许多极具可扩展性的全球化服务,可帮助您显著降低成本、增加利润并提高客户满意度。 qy966千亿的服务组合涵盖一系列内容和富媒体服务:包括技术编写、市场营销资料编写和桌面发布,制作动画、视频、音频、交互式 web 图形,将内容翻译为全球 200 多种语言。



电话: 传真:   邮箱:hpacg@hp.com 




2.sdl    英国

sdl 是全球内容管理和语言翻译领域的领先企业。 凭借 20 多年的丰富经验,sdl 能够帮助企业打造相关数字体验,并在全球交付变革性的业务成果。sdl qy966千亿的解决方案为跨国企业打造相关的客户体验,影响力遍及全球。 我们利用受国际认可的语言翻译软件及服务,提供独特的数字化内容管理。


地址:globe house clivemont road maidenhead berkshire sl6 7dy

电话: 44 1628 410100 传真:   邮箱:



3.rws group     英国

1958年,专利翻译服务专业供应商m.h.randall和partners在英国成立。1982年,其与woolcott和company(成立于1961年,专业从事技术、专利及商标信息检索)合并组建了randall woolcott services,随后改名为rws集团。集团公司下设多个专业部门,向法律、金融、医疗、制药、化工、工程、电信等行业提供翻译、专利提交、检索和本地化服务。集团公司拥有超过600名员工,在英国、美国、日本、中国、澳大利亚和德国开设运营公司,在法国和瑞士设有客户联络办事处。我们是所在领域的全球领导者,我们高水准的内部译员、检索员和技术专家团队以及我们所提供的顶级质量的服务闻名遐迩。这让我们感到莫大的骄傲,rws这一名称已成为质量和专业素质的代名词。 


地址:europa house ,chiltern park, chiltern hill,  chalfont st peter bucks, sl9 9fg, united kingdom

电话:( 44) (0) 1753 480 200   传真:( 44) (0) 1753 480 280   邮箱:



4.star group 瑞士




地址:wiesholz 35, ch-8262 ramsen, switzerland

电话: 41 52 742 92 00   传真: 41 52 742 92 92   邮箱:info@star-group.net



5.amplexor 卢森堡

自 1987 年在卢森堡使用欧文这个名称成立公司以来,集团已发展成为了全球性的数字qy966千亿的解决方案供应商,帮助全世界的客户设计、创建和运营各种规模的内容管理业务。几十年来,我们一直与各种公共和私营机构合作,帮助他们建立、优化和实现其内容流程。


地址:55, rue de luxembourg, l-8077 | bertrange, luxembourg

电话:   传真: 邮箱:press@amplexor.com  marketing@amplexor.com



6.moravia      捷克共和国 

moravia 是全球领先的翻译、本地化和测试服务供应商。我们的全球化qy966千亿的解决方案帮助客户以高品质的多语言本地化产品进入国际市场。以170余种语言提供多语种内容翻译、产品本地化、多媒体和网站本地化服务。专业的多语言项目服务,包括语言品质服务、术语管理、多语言桌面排版、项目管理、国际化和内容开发。针对高效翻译、本地化和全球产品发布的技术相关服务,包括流程优化、机器翻译、多语言网站管理、在线翻译门户和 定制开发服务。


地址:moravia it s.r.o.,prikop 15/17, 602 00 brno, czech republic

电话: 420-545-552-222 传真: 420-545-552-233 邮箱:info@moravia.com


13.språkservice sverige ab 瑞典

språkservice is sweden's leading agency for interpreting and translation services. we tailor solutions to match your language requirements in more than 200 different languages. språkservice is certified in accordance with the iso 9001:2008 standard. this means that we can ensure a high and consistent level of quality for all our services. we are continually working to improve ourselves and place high demands on security and accessibility around the clock for our clients. 



地址: box 17007, 200 10  malmö, besöksadress: föreningsgatan 15, malmö, 瑞典 

电话:0770-457 458 传真: 040-28 62 01邮箱:info@sprakservice.se




14.kern global language services 德国




地址: kurfürstenstrasse 1, 60486 frankfurt, 德国 

电话: 49 (0)69 75 60 73-0 传真: 49 (0)69 75 13 53 邮箱:kern.frankfurt@e-kern.com




15.seprotec multilingual solutions 西班牙

seprotec is a multilingual service provider with more than 25 years of experience providing translation and interpreting solutions and ranked among the top 30 language service companies in the world (common sense advisory, 2015). we use the most advanced translation management technology available today to maximize productivity and quality, and our dedicated customer-specific teams work with over 400 employees and 4500 freelancers 24/7 to guarantee satisfaction.


地址: madrid, c/ valle de alcudia, n.º 3 planta ático, las rozas, 28230, 西班牙 

电话: 34 91 204 87 00 传真: 34 91 204 87 11 邮箱:comercial@seprotec.com




16.alpha crc   英国

alpha crc has been at the forefront of the translation, localization and now globalization industries since 1987, and is now a global top 10 localization provider. we’ve built an in-house production model for the world’s most demanding companies.alpha crc provides expertise, scale and cutting edge technology to support our clients’ global expansion. alpha crc offers a complete range of localization and technical services – and specializes in international brand management.


地址: st andrew’s road, cambridge cb4 1dl, 英国 

电话: 44 1223 431000 传真: 邮箱:marketing@alphacrc.com




17.transvoice sweden ab 瑞典

transvoice arranges and administers thousands of interpreting and language services per day, for the swedish central government, local authorities, public agencies as well as private companies and organizations in sweden. our network includes approximately 4,000 interpreters and translators, representing 206 different languages and dialects. we deliver language services around the clock, with the goal to offer the best availability and level of service. the services include everything from translation in various different languages, assignments with contact interpreters or telephone interpreters, to the unique tolkdirekt/interpreterdirect service.



地址:box 34006, rålambsvägen 17 se-112 59 stockholm, 瑞典 

电话: 46 (0)8-12080000 传真: 邮箱:

网址: www.transvoice.se



18.languagewire a/s 丹麦

languagewire is one of the top 40 translation companies worldwide, servicing more than 2,000 clients from offices in copenhagen, stockholm, gothenburg, oslo, london, hamburg, munich and kiev. handled more than 200,000 jobs in 2015 with a total volume of more than 150 million words. network of more than 5,000 professional translators, copywriters and graphic designers.

employs an average of 800 full-time translators every month. more than 145 full-time employees.


地址:nitivej 10, 2000 frederiksberg, cvr nr: 2556 7846, 丹麦 

电话: 45 44 45 27 21 传真: 45 70 23 00 54 邮箱:kontakt@languagewire.dk



19.technicis group    法国

technicis is france’s number-one translation agency. we offer services for all your language-related needs, from translation and proofreading, to localisation and interpretation. our translators are all professional linguists working exclusively into their native language. we have a global network of 3,500 translators, including both in-house staff and freelancers. our translation agency is divided into several different areas of expertise, and we specialise in over 20 different sectors. a leading translation agency in europe, technicis can translate your documentation into over 170 different languages. technicis is a translation agency that offers top-quality services and the highest levels of customer satisfaction.



地址:boulogne, france, 法国 

电话: 33 1 46 04 66 00 传真: 邮箱:




20. concorde group  荷兰

vertaalbureau concorde group bv was founded in 1992 under the name concorde vertalingen bv. concorde tec bv was added two years later. concorde tec bv mainly specialised in software translations and localisation. in 2002, the firm was sold to a holding company (rabo participaties bv) and an independent entrepreneur (l&b partners bv). with the sale of the company, the two private limited companies were merged and the name was changed to vertaalbureau concorde group bv.



地址:concorde group bv, postbus 140, 1180 ac amstelveen,荷兰

电话:( 31) (0)20-4260700 传真: 邮箱:online@concorde.nl


比蓝翻译加大欧洲翻译业务开拓力度,完善的欧洲翻译服务架构。为在境外办公、游 玩、就医的中国商人、华侨、留学生等提供全方面的高质量翻译需求。目前我们的业务已经遍及27个国家和地区,主要分布在亚洲、欧洲、美洲、以及非洲部分地区。一站式的翻译服务,是我们的理念,也是成功的重要保证。公司拥有一支系统化、专业化、经验丰富的翻译团队,一流的翻译团队铸造了我们一流的翻译质量。同时,公司属于欧洲股东方是欧洲翻译公司实力最强前20名之一。



